Monday, August 24, 2009


So i think Chickfila is a very dangerous job for me -- I was thinking about my past 3 weeks back to work and I have gotten sick and been sent home early, hit my head on an ice cream lever and had a bump on my forehead for over a week (i'm actually surprised I didn't pass out...) and on saturday I cut my hand cleaning a knife and ended up in doctors care.

I'm done with chicken! Mike says I am breaking his heart every time I say I can't eat it anymore, but after 5 years.... i just can't do it.... I think everyone feels that way about restaurants they have worked in for any length of time... you just can't bear it anymore.

However, we have decided that we are going to try save my paychecks towards a down payment on a house next summer -- get out of this leasing cycle! That is good motivation to get up and go to work every day... and try to come home alive.

The more time I spend at work, the more I realize how much I love my photography business. I pray every day that it will grow into something that could be classified at least as a part time job. Photography is a wonderful creative outlet for me, and it never EVER feels like a job.

The good hubs purchased a new website for me for my birthday... i am so pumped about it!! I kept looking at my old website and every time I went, I thought to myself "I would not hire me!" Thanks to Mike though, now it looks pretty darn good... at least I think so :)

Just one question though:
"Would you hire me?" :)

Visit and decide for yourself!! :)

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