Sunday, October 18, 2009


This past wednesday was Mike's 24th birthday! It was so fun being able to celebrate for him as a married couple... but a little difficult to buy presents with the JOINT CHECKING! ah! It was actually a nightmere trying to be sneaky and had to give up some of my hopes of doing that well.... I gave hjm a new Buckyes Jersey and a brand new pink collared shirt from express. The BIG gift that i really wanted to get for him was a home theater system, but the store I went to only carried them online... I found that out the day before his birthday. SO i told him about it and let him decide something else he might want. He chose an itrip for the car so he can listen to sermons while driving around... and maybe i can borrow that too sometimes!!!

We actually did pull off a pretty decent surprise party for him for his birthday.... It was on the same night as middle school youth group so all the leaders brought him his favorite food and decorated with tons of balloons, which i spent all day blowing was fun :)

My parents came to visit this weekend and it was my mom's birthday as well! We went out to eat in a cute diner downtown and it was a pleasant surprise... the food was AMAZING. :) We will go back! :)

We are looking forward to another crazy weekend coming up -- our middle school fall retreat! We will take lots of pictures, i'm sure! :)
Love, Sarah

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