Thursday, September 17, 2009

Back to School Bash

We have been praying for this event for weeks, asking God to bring hundreds of unsaved students onto Northside’s Campus. With everything ready to go, from the inflatables, to the band, to the speaker waiting to share, students began to stream in. At first I was discouraged because we didn’t have the “amount” of students we were praying for, but as I walked around I realized that there were hardly any faces I recognized. The event was from 4-8 and at 5:15, an hour before the band was going to start playing, I went to the back and prayed with them that many more students would arrive to hear the message. In the next half hour, at least another 50 students came through our doors.

The Starlit Drive was a favorite band from our Myrtle Beach Retreat back at the beginning of the summer, and the students who are apart of our Student Ministries were extremely excited to remember how God had touched their lives at this camp. Others, uncertain of their faith, having spent little time in a church, welcomed this Christian Band with equal excitement. As Shawn spoke about John 10:10 and how Christ desires to give them FULL lives, I could feel the Spirit moving in the room. Many rededicated their lives to Him, and many were faced with the opportunity to make that decision for the first time. I am so thankful for all that God is doing in the lives of the students from all across our city. Pray that we continue to see brand new faces every week… :)

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